Baker’s Secrets: Top 7 Things to Know When Running Your Own Bakery in Australia

Running your own bakery can be hard work, but nothing worth having comes easy right?

Running your own bakery can be hard work, but nothing worth having comes easy right? Well, that may not be entirely true. From our many years of experience of working with bakery owners, we have a few tips to share – and hopefully they benefit you regardless of whether you own a bakery business or are planning to open one.

1. Know Your Customer

Consider who you are selling your products to. Is the area you are located in catering to busy parents making sandwiches for their kids school lunch box? Or is it more of the young professionals who desire something a little more artisan? Or perhaps your bakery is the go to for patrons with the munchies.

2. Consistency is Key

Humans are creatures of habit and with that comes the appreciation for consistency, especially when it comes to food. Consistency is critical to the success of every business. Providing good quality and consistent products increases trust in your brand and can have a significant impact on sales.There is nothing worse than going to get your favourite delicious treat from your local baker and getting it home only to find out it looks and tastes totally different to the last time you had it.

3. Be Original

Ask yourself some questions – How will I make my bakery business stand out from the rest? What is my unique point of difference? Am I selling all the same things as the bakery down the road? Maybe you’ll have a French Boulangerie style shoppe or maybe you’ll have a more Mediterranean offering. Consider customising or having  a unique spin on baked goods will definitely put you on the map!

4. Quality is King

Now, more than ever, people are becoming conscious of the quality of food they are putting in their bodies. Offering a quality product is absolutely paramount when repeat business is imperative for the bottom line.

5. Keep it Simple

We believe it is very true that variety is the spice of life, but your bakery doesn’t need to be packed to the rafters with a million different kinds of items to keep your customers interested. Do your research on what appeals to your target market and stick to it. A streamlined range of the right products will translate into sales.

6. Understand Your Overheads

Gone are the days where a full time baker is needed to run a bakery at full capacity. With innovative products like Suprima Frozen Dough, you can cut labour costs by up to 25%, reduce preparation time and eliminate the need for expensive equipment on your premises.

7. Talk to the Frozen Dough Experts

Innovative products with consistent quality is Suprima’s promise. Over 50 years of Prima Group’s operations and a deep focus in R&D guides our product development. Suprima Frozen Dough products will help to revolutionize the baking processes and empower baking professionals and owners to reduce the hard work it involves to run their bakeries.

Make a Trade Enquiry

Let’s save your bakery or food business time and money by using our range of convenient and versatile doughs that you bake fresh. Contact the team at Suprima Bakeries today.


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